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Foundation Skills Assessment (FSA)

Each year, students in  Grade 4 and 7 write a provincial assessment called the Foundation Skills Assessment (FSA).  The FSA assesses reading, writing and numeracy. 
We know that reading, writing and numeracy skills have a strong connection with school completion and future life success.  The FSA provides important information early in children’s school years and is intended to complement other information from classroom teachers. 
The FSA results can show where children excels against provincial standards and where they might need assistance.  Paying attention to individual student results allow parents and educators to make early interventions that can enhance success later in a child’s schooling. 
A student report is available for each student following administration of the FSA and is sent home to parents through each school.  The report describes your child’s overall results in reading, writing and numeracy.  Teachers and parents/guardians are encouraged to discuss student results together. 
The FSA results also provide important information for schools, districts, and the Province on how well British Columbia students are doing in reading, writing and numeracy and forms an essential aspect of quality assurance to parents and the public regarding BC’s education system. 
Students in Grade 4 and 7 are required by BC’s School Act to write the FSA. For detailed information on the FSA

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Early Development Indicator (EDI)

Early Learning Data
The EDI is an instrument used province-wide once children enter Kindergarten to measure patterns and trends in children’s development health. The UBC HELP (Human Early Learning) Program has been collecting and analysing EDI data since 2001. Over the past 15 years, data has been collected for over 247,724 kindergarten children in BC. As a result, the EDI is viewed as an important foundation for a population health monitoring system that supports increased understanding of children’s early learning developmental outcomes over time and across geographies.

The Early Development Indicator measures children’s vulnerability before entering school using a range of factors: Physical Health and Well-being, Social Competence, Emotional Maturity, Language and Cognitive Development, and Communication Skills and General Knowledge. Vulnerability on two or more scales is seen to indicate vulnerability in early learners.

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Middle Years Development Instrument (MDI)

The Middle Years Development Instrument (MDI) is a self-report questionnaire completed by children in Grade 4 and Grade 7. It asks them how they think and feel about their experiences both inside and outside of school. Both the Grade 4 questionnaire and the Grade 7 questionnaire include questions related to the five areas of development that are strongly linked to well-being, health and academic achievement.

Physical Health & Well-Being
Children evaluate their own physical well-being in the areas of overall health including body image, nutrition and sleeping habits.

Children are asked about their experiences of support and connection with the adults in their schools and neighbourhoods, with their parents or guardians at home, and with their peers.

Social and Emotional Development
Children respond to questions about their current social and emotional functioning in 7 areas: optimism, self-esteem, happiness, empathy, prosocial behaviour, sadness and worries.

School Experiences
Children are asked about their school experiences in 4 areas: academic self-concept, school climate, school belonging, and experiences with peer victimization (bullying).

Use of After-School Time
Children are asked about the time they spend engaged in organized activities such as sports, music and art, as well as the time they spend watching TV, doing homework and playing video games.

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Youth Development Instrument (YDI)

The Youth Development Instrument (YDI) is a self-report survey administered to BC Grade 11 students. Developed in collaboration with the Human Early Learning Partnership (HELP) at UBC, school districts, community partners, health practitioners, policymakers, and youth, the YDI was designed to collect population-level data of youth well-being indicators. Individual and contextual youth well-being and resilience indicators are measured via five dimensions on the YDI: social and emotional learning (e.g., prosocial behaviour, empathy); learning environment and engagement (e.g., school belonging, bullying); social well-being (e.g,. friendship intimacy, community belonging); physical and mental well-being (e.g., physical activity, MH concerns such as anxiety, depression, substance use; MH service use); and navigating the world (e.g., civic-mindedness, multiculturalism). The YDI also asks youth about the impacts of COVID-19.

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Student Learning Survey

The Student Learning Survey is an annual province-wide census of Grades 4, 7, 10 and 12 students, their parents and staff in public schools. The questions were developed with input from partner groups, teachers and experts in educational measurement and special education.

More Student Learning Survey Information