Board of Education Highlights - December 10, 2024
An overview of discussion items and major decisions of the Board of Education of School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake). For meeting agendas/minutes and a schedule of upcoming board meetings visit .
Early Years Continuous Learning Report
Assistant Superintendent Deanna Holitzki and District K-3 Literacy, Numeracy, and Assessment Teacher Coordinator Cheryl Makeiv presented the Early Years Continuous Learning Report 2024-2025 to the Board. The report is an overview of early learning in SD8 focusing on this district’s commitment to fostering early learning success. This report reviewed district data on student literacy, numeracy, and development, emphasizing targeted actions for continuous learning, especially for priority learners such as Indigenous students and children in care.
Child Care Provision Update
Assistant Superintendent and Director of Inclusive Education Deanna Holitzki presented information to the Board that detailed the district's progress in enhancing child care programs in all communities, emphasizing the integration of educational goals and partnerships with local providers to support early childhood development.
Child care centres in SD8 are exclusively licensed child care programs. They meet specific requirements for health and safety, staffing qualifications, record keeping, space and equipment, child-to-staff ratios, and programming.
A 2023 environmental scan identified the need for additional child care in the Creston Valley, Nelson and Kaslo in particular. The district continues to plan for additional child care spaces including after school care in under-served areas as identified by needs assessments, and will be applying to the Ministry of Education and Child Care’s New Spaces Funding in its next application opening period in 2025.
Graduation Ceremonies 2025
Superintendent Trish Smillie outline SD8’s 2025 graduation ceremonies with the Board, including scheduling and logistical arrangements to facilitate trustee participation and celebrate student achievements. Graduation schedules will soon be available on school websites.
Quarterly Capital Plan Update
Secretary-Treasurer Cathy McArthur provided updates on the district's capital projects, focusing on infrastructure enhancements and budget adjustments to support educational objectives. Details about projects at specific schools are available in the board agenda and information package for the December 12 meeting.
Elections and Appointments
Trustee Dawn Lang, Board Chair, was elected by acclamation to the position of B.C. Public Service Employers’ Association (BCPSEA) Representative with Trustee Susan Chew named as alternate.
Chair Lang announced the appointments of committee representatives and alternates:
- SD8 Accessibility Committee: Trustee Nazaroff (Rep), Trustee Blackmore (Alternate)
- SD8 Joint Safety Advisory Committee: Trustee Trenaman (Rep), Trustee Nazaroff (Rep)
- SD8 Policy Review Committee: Trustee Etheridge (Chair of Policy, Operations and Finance Committee), Chair Lang (ex officio), Vice Chair Bremner (Chair designate), Trustee Chew (Trustee appointment)
Climate Change Curriculum and Parent Advisory Advocacy Resolutions Passed
The Board passed a resolution to advocate to the Ministry of Education and Child Care for the development of Provincial Climate Action and Sustainability Curriculum program and to bring this resolution forward to the B.C. School Trustee Association Kootenay Boundary Branch (KBB) meeting for consideration for a motion to be brought forward to the B.C. School Trustee Association (BCSTA) as a whole.
The Board also passed two resolutions in relation to District Parent Advisory Councils (DPAC)that will be brought forward to the KBB then to the BCSTA as applicable. The first advocates for targeted funding for school districts to financially support DPAC to develop and facilitate a coordinated parent advocacy program. The second resolution advocates to the Ministry of Education and Child Care to provide targeted funding to school districts to support DPAC members so they can be protected from risk and liability while performing their volunteer duties.
Policy Changes
Approval of KBB BCSTA Motions: Resolutions were passed to advocate for the development of a Provincial Climate Action and Sustainability Curriculum and to seek targeted funding for parental advocacy programs and directors' insurance through DPACs.
Student Trustee Updates
Kootenay River Secondary Student Trustee Emma Lecompte: Kootenay River Secondary School had two events to celebrate the winter season – a winter dance and a winter parade. Career classes will be hosting a winter carnival with an array of mini events. Trustees are invited.
These highlights exclude confidential information such as business negotiations, personnel issues and legal matters. For other information or to provide feedback, please contact our Communications & Engagement Manager at 250-352-6681 or
About School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake): Our mission is to inspire and support each learner to thrive in a caring learning environment. We are located in the southern Interior of British Columbia and serve numerous diverse communities in the Kootenays including Crawford Bay, Creston, Kaslo, Meadow Creek, Nelson, Salmo, Slocan, South Slocan, Winlaw, Wynndel, and Yahk. We also serve students across B.C. through our provincial online learning school, Elev8. Our dedicated team focuses on providing the best possible educational opportunities for about 4,700 students and their families.